Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Installing Jenkins plugin manually

We used Jenkins as our main CI management tools. It worked fine. But today I found two Jenkins can't upgrade/install plugins.
No way to fix this problem, because we didn't change the configuration , they worked fine before.
After searching in google for a while, I found I can install plugins manually. Let's do it.
Refer to the wiki:
Log into Jenkins server via SSH, we have tomcat7 installed on Ubuntu server. The Jenkins home folder is located at /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins
Enter the plugins folder under Jenkins' home folder.
Download the plugin's hpi file here, e.g.

Then reload Jenkins app in tomcat7 admin page, go to the Jenkins page to watch if the plugin is installed or not. I can't see the pathignore plugin in installed tab. Why?
Because pathignore plugin depends on another plugin called ruby-runtime.
Download this plugin using the same way.

Reload Jenkins again, it works.

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